Saturday, June 21, 2008

ooh la la

I was out shopping last week and came across this really cute book, “French Kitty in French Kitty Goes to Paris”.
When I came across French Kitty I instantly fell in love with her. The author is Mighty Fine, which is a design studio started up by a trio of entrepreneurs based in LA. After researching a bit about her and Mighty Fine I realized they also created the character Ruby Gloom, who I also love, so French Kitty was an obvious adoration for me!

Mighty Fine has been designing and manufacturing sportswear for teenagers across the world since 1992. French Kitty is an icon of Mighty Fine and the foundation for a business that has grown in leaps and bounds over the years.

I bought my first (notice I said first – I think there is a collection starting here) French Kitty book for my daughter (but really myself) and she loves it! The book is printed on black paper so the graphics and imagery are really captivating. French Kitty is a "sophisticat" and true diva. Her impeccable style, joie de vivre, and ability to "land on her feet" will inspire and delight you.

I can’t wait to add to my…oh I mean my daughter’s collection (heehee..). You can surf Amazon and find other French Kitty books such as French Kitty in Las Vegas, in Oui, Oui Waikiki. In addition to the books there are key chains, notebooks, invitations, t-shirts, calendars and tons of other great French Kitty stuff on Amazon and Ebay. If you’re into collections and characters like Emily Strange, French Kitty is a must have…..


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